How to choose your bachelor’s degree in management?

bachelor's degree

The courses of business schools are differentiated by their certifications. Official recognitions that correspond to different strategies on the part of establishments.

Between RNCP title, visa or degree license, difficult to navigate in the certifications of higher education. But each official recognition covers an objective.

As a guarantee of professional recognition, many business schools opt for the registration of their diploma in the RNCP (National Directory of Professional Certifications). Issued by the Ministry of Labour, the RNCP title thus provides assurance of the professional skills offered by training.

The bachelor’s degree in management and business development from Esam is precisely certified level 6 at the RNCP (level bac+3). “It’s in the DNA of the school: we are very skills-oriented”, explains Yannick Roussel, director of Esam Paris , for whom this RNCP title is the most important.

  In particular because our diplomas are accessible alternately in third year,” added the manager.

The license visa, soon a necessity for bachelors in management?

And if he wants to favor the professional anchoring of this diploma, in particular with teachers from the business world, the director of Esam Paris specifies that a request for a license visa is in progress for the bachelor of management.

 Both for the school and for our students”, points out Erwan Poiraud, general manager of PPA Business School . His higher diploma in marketing and communication has just received the visa issued by the Ministry of Higher Education . A recognition that implies in particular a greater share of research in training.

Our objective is to offer a balance between research and a strong orientation towards the professional world . I do not think that obtaining the visa is essential . , but it allows us to move into another category”, he assures.

The bachelor’s degree, “the segment of excellence”

Moving into another category was indeed the objective of ESC Clermont when it asked for the degree of license for its international bachelor’s degree, as soon as it was possible, two years ago. For Françoise Roudier, general manager of the establishment, a segmentation of the management school market is taking place with these different certifications.

This is the segment of excellence. I think that these certifications and degrees will become a standard for schools of management “, concludes the director. In fact, around thirty management training now holds this grade.

In practical terms, this sesame also allows a better continuum in higher education and facilitates the pursuit of studies towards a master’s level.

For Béatrice Rabet, director of programs at Rennes School of Business , whose bachelor’s degree in management has just obtained the degree of licence, this recognition is also ” a virtuous rapprochement between business schools and universities , since the standards are shared. But we keep our identity!”

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