What teachers are not allowed to do


teaching is a respectable job that impacts many lives. Teachers spend days and evenings developing educational tools likely to stimulate young people’s desire to learn. But, the teaching body must know what it endorses as responsibilities both in the class, in the school and in society in general, and know everything that teachers are not allowed to do.

Indeed, the teaching profession has an ambiguous social status. Sometimes, in our day-to-day practice, we have the impression of being relegated to the role of performer, without direct control over our work, which is nevertheless called a profession. So, it is essential to know well the prohibitions of the teachers.

Social networks have brought new situations in education. This speaking out on the Internet has pitfalls that it is important to be aware of. In other words, everything we post online then becomes part of the public domain. In addition, if you allow everyone to have access to your profile, the information you publish there will be automatically indexed on databases such as Google. These personal details will still be available on the Internet, even though they have been removed from his Facebook page. This is why it is preferable to respect certain principles:

Communication with parents must remain professional. And as the English saying goes so well: “Familiarity breeds contempt”. It is best to keep distance from your students, to use this official channel only for work and to maintain adequate professional standards there at all times. Finally, if you are the victim of criticism or unflattering comments on the Internet from students or peers, we invite you to report it to your union and your employer.

Is a teacher allowed to touch a student?

A study conducted by UNICEF (2015) shows that the practice of corporal punishment has adverse effects on learning. Indeed, there is a link between the practice of corporal punishment in school, on the one hand, and low test scores and negative effects on the psychosocial well-being of children, on the other. School violence is a big reason why children don’t like school and it also causes school dropouts.

Sometimes classes are overcrowded and schools have few resources. This can greatly diminish the patience of the teaching staff. And lead to inappropriate and angry responses in the management of student behavior. Teachers may find it difficult to maintain control of their class and may lash out at children. This does not justify, however, that they can vent their stress on the students.

On the other hand, positive and non-violent discipline produces better results in the classroom, while the practice of corporal punishment is associated with many negative results, such as low results on intelligence quotient tests, a lower vocabulary, impaired cognitive abilities , impaired cognitive development and disappointing school results.

Addressing discipline issues requires creative, empathetic, supportive, respectful and professional interventions, not violence and humiliation on students. There are many readily available resources for establishing and maintaining classroom management strategies, while respecting the basic rights of children.

Refusal to take a student to class is a frequent temptation for teachers to manage difficult student behavior problems. Teachers must remember that they cannot decide which students they welcome. In France, a judgment by the Nancy Court of Appeals in November 2006 was thus able to justify a sanction against a teacher who refused access to his course to a pupil, despite having seriously insult.

In the United States, the law empowers teachers to protect a disciplined environment. Teachers may remove students who continuously or severely interfere with learning from the classroom.

Driving students in a teacher’s car is not recommended. Because it could lead to allegations of all kinds. But it is possible, exceptionally, to use this way of moving subject to certain obligations to be respected. Before hitting the road, the teacher should imperatively:

A guarantee of the personal liability of the driver and the owner of the vehicle, as well as the liability of the State with regard to third parties and the persons transported.

Require students to wear uniform

Throughout the world, some primary and secondary establishments, private or public, require the wearing of a uniform. However, students consider wearing the uniform to be torture, but for others it has significant benefits. The school uniform is an educational tool at the service of the school’s educational project. It promotes the feeling of belonging to the school, and makes it possible to erase inequalities.

In France, the Minister of National Education said he was in favor of uniforms in schools. On the South Shore of Montreal, uniforms made their appearance in public schools a few years ago.

Should schools require students to wear uniforms?

The question has been on the table for some time. Some feel that young people, especially in high school, have no limits when it comes to their dress.

Plunging necklines, bare navels or exposed underwear are commonplace and teachers are tired of dictating discipline on behalf of parents.

Indeed, even if most schools require the wearing of “appropriate attire”, which excludes very short skirts and shorts, clothing with violent connotations or tank tops, precious time is lost in forcing students to respect them.

Do teachers have the right to confiscate a laptop?

Indeed, the use of mobile phones in class can affect the concentration necessary for teaching activities. For all these reasons, schools and colleges prohibit the use of cell phones. So the teacher must force the students to turn off their cell phones.

It is up to each institution to determine the practical arrangements for ensuring compliance with the law. But, how long can a mobile phone be confiscated?

Any confiscated phone must be returned either to the student himself or to one of his legal guardians at the end of the day. The teacher assumes responsibility for the device as guardian during confiscation in the event of any malfunctions or damage to the device.

First, the teacher cannot put a zero to sanction a behavior problem. In other words, it is not a behavioral sanctioning tool. As such, it does not appear in the internal regulations as one of the punishments made available to the educational team. The teacher can use zero. To help you find your way around, here are the different circumstances under which you can use it or not.

However, the teacher can put the zero provided that he comes to sanction a work which does not fulfill the pedagogical framework defined by the teacher. Be careful, however, to specify it clearly on the copy, in the report or on the word in the liaison book in order to avoid any ambiguity.

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